Hello, our existing VWG app makes extensive use of conditional context menus on a row by row basis in listviews. The way we accomplished this with VWG was to add certain context menus to certain listviewitems based on certain conditions. Now it looks as though we can no longer add context menus to listviewitems, instead they must be added to listviews themselves, which is going to complicate our conversion process. Any suggestions?
please retry with the latest build (1.3.13).
Best regards
We can add it, I have added enhancement WJ-7805. We already have cell, row, column context menus for the grid (which is used as the details view). For the item view is a bit different, but it’s easy to add.
ETA, early next week.
As a side note: VWG created actual components for each ListViewItem and rendered them individually as if they were controls, like a button, for example. It didn’t have data stores. Wisej uses common concepts in the world of javascript widgets and controls like the datagrid and listview are connected to a data store object that requests data pages from the server as needed using async http requests, the the visibile area on the client is rendered using a fastdom technique.