Hi, I’m trying to use a ListViewComboBox in a form, but I don’t understand why the SelectedValue property never gets moved. How to know the selected value and which event to use?
Furthermore, I don’t understand the behavior when selecting a row. The SelectedIndex value always passes through -1 and then sets to the right value, for example if I move from row 2 to row 3 Selectedindex starts with 2 and then becomes -1 and finally 3, Is it possible to avoid this?
Thank you.
Hi Enrico,
thanks! We are checking that issue and are working on a fix.
I’ll keep you updated.
Best regards
Yes Frank
Dim bd2 As New BindingSource(tbtip.DataSet.Tables(0))
ListViewComboBox1.Columns(0).DisplayPropertyName = “Tipo_Cam”
ListViewComboBox1.Columns(1).DisplayPropertyName = “Descrizione”
ListViewComboBox1.Columns(1).Width = 120
ListViewComboBox1.DisplayMember = “Descrizione”
ListViewComboBox1.DataMember = “Tipo_Cam”
ListViewComboBox1.DataSource = bd2
you can see into the attachment that on the event during an debug
the SelectedValue (esito2.jpg) is nothing and the SelecteditemTex (esito1.jpg) is with a real value.
Thank You
Hi Enrico,
can you please put together a small test case that shows how you are using the ListViewComboBox?
Best regards
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