I have just updated to Wisej 1.3.65 as one of the new features, ListView have GridLines added, is what I want.
I set the ListView.GridLines to true. However, the outcome is same, without and lines within the ListView (refer to the image attached).
I tried looking for GridLines from the documentation but it is not yet update (no such GridLines property in ListView class in the documentation web).
Is anything related to the theme ? I have to modify the theme as well ? I use the default theme and haven’t change it.
Felix CHAN
Luca, I meant to reply to the earlier thread here about this (https://wisej.com/support/question/actually-applying-a-mixin-for-grid-less-listview)
Regarding Gridlines:
I am wondering if it would be best to have it specify Vertical, Horizontal, Both, or None?
Because I would like to be able to make use of multiple-style listviews, with either “both” (horizontal and vertical) or “none” (neither horizontal or vertical) … which as far as I know is still not possible without overriding the cell renderer.
In my modified theme “modified-Blue1a-ListViewGridLines” I set it to include both the horizontal and vertical by default, but then setting GridLines to false has no effect. Hope this makes sense. Thanks again,
Yep, the docs are update at a much slower pace since every time it takes several hours to upload 7,600+ pages.
The property ListView.GridLines is a boolean that can only turn grid lines on or off. What on and off means depends on the theme. The built-in themes have vertical grid lines for the listview or no lines at all when off. You can change that with a mixin (there are couple of examples on the forum), in short this is what you need for horizontal grid lines:
“appearances”: {
“listview”: {
“inherit”: “listview”,
“components”: {
“grid-cell”: {
“states”: {
“default”: {
“styles”: {
“widthRight”: 1,
“widthBottom”: 1,
“color”: “table-column-line”
“borderNone”: {
“styles”: {
“widthRight”: 0,
“widthBottom”: 0
The DataGridView has a different property CellBorderStyle that is an enumeration with None, Single, SingleVertical, SingleHorizontal, etc. The meaning of each stat is define in the themes.
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