I get the following error randomly on starting a wiseJ application. If I refresh the page, the error goes away. I have checked the permissions to that file and all appears to be in order. Also, since the error message goes away when I refresh the page, so I am not sure why it is popping up.
Any advice?
Thanks for the help.
I am running my app pool under a different user.
Wisej tries to save the license info on the machine and in the project. It does it only once when the app loads.
If it cannot write in the project it doesn’t show any error.
If it cannot write in the shared application folder it does show the error, otherwise you’d never know that it couldn’t write.
The machine location is /ProgramData and IIS_IUSRS should have the permission by default. If you change the Application Pool you may have to add the new application pool user to the group. Usually the problem is with the project folder itself that it doesn’t have the IIS_IUSRS permissions.
I just tried to install a new 2016 server with IIS, followed the normal process, added a Wisej app with a license, didn’t change any permission, the apps runs without issues. The license is saved in \ProgramData\IceTeaGroup\Wisej since it doesn’t have permissions to write to the project’s folder.
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