See attached image, on 1.3.74 image overlay and text seems to be better, on last update seems overlapping.
Maybe some way to set fixed image size. or any advice.
On 1.3.74 i set button with overlay image, and Image align to topcenter, and textalign to bottom center.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks, it’s all connected to the same regression with background images not setting a layout or using tile. Will send you a dev build to verify with your app.
Image button overlay is better in 1.3.83 than 1.3.82 but stills a little overlapping [see attached image]
I guess image button overlay used to be from original image size, but now seems to be dinamic and button size dependent.
Maybe if some property exists that tells if image overlay should be in original image size or button size dependent; or some way to set fixed image size
But still having issues with BackgroundImageLayout=Tile for Wisej.Web.Page, it seems to be tiled but with bigger image (not original size), resulting degraded background [see attached image]
Another image sample
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