When using the ImageSource property – setting the ImageAlign property has no effect. It’s always using middleCenter.
Shouldn’t the ImageAlign property also apply to the ImageSource ?
Also – once an image is selected using the ImageSource property- there is no way to clear it.
EDIT: I figured out the clearing – you have to select “Project,none”
Hi Edmond,
after digging deeper it´s rather a limitation than a bug.
Let me explain the reason and workaround:
SVG images without a size cannot be displayed correctly in the designer.
This is due to a limitation in Internet Explorer 11 that we use internally to render at design time.
You can work around this if you add an empty image list to your form, set it´s size (e.g. to 16×16)
and assign that image list to your label.
It will then be rendered using the correct layout alignment. Alternatively you can use a PNG file.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Hi Edmond,
thanks. I have logged WJ-8451 and we´ll inform you when it´s fixed.
Best regards
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