We have a customer that received the “Invalid Server License” message around 2pm.
When I go into the application (it is 4pm) I do not get the error message.
I do not know if they still get the message but I was wondering if there is anyway to troubleshoot this. It doesn’t appear we are out of our license.
Shawn R
Agrego la captura del error:
Buenas tardes,
De un dia para otro, me apareció al cargar el home del sitio un mensaje similar:
Licencia de servidor no válido
Estado: WrongProductName
No se si se trata de alguna licencia utilizada dentro del proyecto .NET o se trata de permisos de acceso al servidor que el firewall de un día para otro empezó a limitar.
Cualquier sugerencia sera bienvenida.
Things to consider:
1.Could be caused by a lack of internet connection, or a firewall blocking Wisej attempting to validate the license.
See this forum response: https://wisej.com/support/question/invalid-server-license-upgrading-to-wisej-3-net-core
2.Double-check that there is a wisej-server.lic file in the root project folder. wisej-server.lic is automatically generated the first time the server activates a server license. You can also try deleting it, in case it’s out of date. If it’s deleted, a new one will be generated. https://docs.wisej.com/docs/getting-started-1/license-activation#server-license
3.What version of Wisej does your application use? The screenshot you provided shows a Wisej version of 3.1.10. The newest version of Wisej is currently 3.2.5. If you are using a newer version of Wisej, perhaps it tried and failed to download the new license? https://docs.wisej.com/docs/getting-started-1/license-activation#server-license
4. Try deleting the old wisej-license.wx file. You’ll find 2 copies, one usually inside the application’s root directory (outside the bin folder) and one under C:\ProgramData\IceTeaGroup\Wisej. Delete the file and recycle the app pool, and see if that fixes the ‘Invalid Server License’ message.
5. Try rebooting the server and pasting the license into the web.config file. Make sure that you are using the Server Key and not the Developer Key.
6.Double-check that the key in the web.config file and the wisej-server.lic file match.
7.Enable tracing so that you can get the log file from the license manger- in case there are errors as it attempts to validate the license.
Hope this helps!
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