Hi Ben,
we discussed this internally and will change it as following (WJ-8299):
PerformClick is always executed when coming from the server side and only if the button (radio/check/menu item) is visible & enabled from the client side.
The change will be in the next Wisej build.
Best regards
After update to Wisej-1.4.24, the invalid license popup show again, please kindly help, thank you.
— previous problem —
When I publish web site to IIS on a Server 2012R2, the machine cannot access the internet, I have copy the wisej-server.lic to the project root directory which same location as web.config and it show below error message. Could you please help to take a look. Thanks!
— previous problem —
Hi Ben,
WJ-8299 is included in Wisej build 1.3.82.
Best regards
Hi Ben,
thanks for sharing more details. What you observe is not a bug but rather a feature.
Let me explain in more detail:
PerformClick for a button is only executed when the button is enabled and visible. It´s basically the same in WinForms.
So if the button is in a form or on a tab page that is not visible, then PerformClick does not work.
It´s by design and it prevents JavaScript Code from clicking disabled or inivisble Buttons and potentially executing Code
that is not supposed to be executed.
If your app needs to execute a method simply call that method or handler directly. Otherwise letting disabled or inivisble
buttons execute clicks is a vulnearbility.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Hi Frank,
AddHandler lv.ButtonDV.Click, Function(sender, x) ShowDocumentView(lv)
AddHandler lv.ButtonLV.Click, Function(sender, x) ShowListView(lv)
Private Sub ButtonListView_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonListView.Click
Dim selectedTab As TabPage = TabControlMain.SelectedTab
If Me.Controls.Find(String.Format(“ButtonLV_{0}”, objectKey(selectedTab)), True).Count > 0 Then
Dim buttonLV As Wisej.Web.Button = Me.Controls.Find(String.Format(“ButtonLV_{0}”, objectKey(selectedTab)), True)(0)
If buttonLV.Enabled Then buttonLV.PerformClick()
End If
End Sub
Private Function ShowListView(Optional lv As ListViewer3 = Nothing)
If lv Is Nothing Then
Dim selectedTab As TabPage = TabControlMain.SelectedTab
lv = selectedTab.Controls.Find(“ListViewer3”, True)(0)
End If
lv.viewMode = “L”
SplitContainerHideShowDocumentList.Panel1Collapsed = True
‘ButtonPrint.Visible = False
lv.ButtonLV.Enabled = Not (lv.viewMode = “L”)
lv.ButtonDV.Enabled = Not (lv.viewMode = “D”)
lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Visible = True
lv.TableLayoutPanelPreview.Visible = False
ButtonSelect.Visible = (lv.viewMode = “L”)
ButtonListView.Enabled = (lv.viewMode = “D”)
ButtonDocumentView.Enabled = (lv.viewMode = “L”)
lv.TableLayoutPanel1.Visible = False
lv.TableLayoutPanel2.Visible = False
lv.TableLayoutPanel4.Visible = False
lv.TableLayoutPanel8.Visible = False
TableLayoutPanelNavigationTree.Visible = True
TableLayoutPanelDocumentList.Visible = False
Dim selectedRow As DataGridViewRow = Nothing
If lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows.Count > 0 AndAlso Me.DataGridViewDocList.CurrentRow IsNot Nothing Then
selectedRow = SearchDGV(lv.DataGridViewDocDetail, “ID”, Me.DataGridViewDocList.CurrentRow.Cells(“ID”).Value)
End If
‘select related row
If selectedRow IsNot Nothing AndAlso selectedRow.Cells(“Document Name”).Visible Then
selectedRow.Selected = True
If selectedRow.Cells(“Form ID”).Visible Then lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.CurrentCell = selectedRow.Cells(“Form ID”)
If selectedRow.Cells(“Document Name”).Visible Then lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.CurrentCell = selectedRow.Cells(“Document Name”)
If lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows.Count > 0 Then
lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows(0).Selected = True
If lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows(0).Cells(“Form ID”).Visible Then lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.CurrentCell = lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows(0).Cells(“Form ID”)
If lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows(0).Cells(“Document Name”).Visible Then lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.CurrentCell = lv.DataGridViewDocDetail.Rows(0).Cells(“Document Name”)
End If
End If
Return True
End Function
PerformClick seem not function in Wisej-1.3.71 DEVELOPMENT BUILDS
Hi Ben,
The license is validated over a standard http request on 80. The problem is that wisej tries to update the .lic file when it’s moved to a different server. It should either update it or accept it if there is no internet connection or the connection fails. Instead when there it no connection it reverts to an invalid license.
It’s a bug that is fixed and we receive the confirmation from another developer with the same issue that it works now for them.
Hi Frank,
I try to find way out from this problem by move a VM which already run on my notebook without “invalid license” pop up to client’s EXSI server which run with firewall blocked some port (machine can touch internet and ping wisej.com throught proxy server), “invalid license” pop up after page loading for 20-30 sec.
Just want to know anything that I can do to solve this problem before receive Wisej next release (e.g. any port I need to open for validate wisej license).
Hi Ben,
sorry for the delay and thanks for providing further information.
We could finally track down and fix the problem.
It´s logged as WJ-8281 and the fix will be included in the next Wisej release.
Best regards
Hi Frank,
I try on another VM machine, only work if I let it online, otherwise same invalid license error occur, but my client VM cannot online because of security reason, so how to make it work on a VM machine in a close private network ? Thanks a lot.
Hi Ben,
Can you please send your wisej-server.lic to me at frank(at)iceteagroup.com so I can take a look ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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