How to localize Syncfusion 2 Controls




I searched around a lot and found no answer that works. I found this Thread but the links don’t work properly.

I found this but executing it throws an exception.

adding “locale”=”de” or “de-DE” to the json (kanban options) does nothing.

This seems to be the solution in the demos, but I don’t really understand it.

 I also tried just adding this as a Javascript execute Event (attached to the kanban board):
    'de-DE': {
        'kanban': {
      "items": "Aufgaben",
      "min": "Min",
      "max": "Max",
      "cardsSelected": "Aufgaben ausgewählt",
      "addTitle": "Neue Aufgabe hinzufügen",
      "editTitle": "Aufgabendetails bearbeiten",
      "deleteTitle": "Aufgabe löschen",
      "deleteContent": "Möchten Sie diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?",
      "save": "Speichern",
      "delete": "Löschen",
      "cancel": "Abbrechen",
      "yes": "Ja",
      "no": "Nein",
      "close": "Schließen",
      "noCard": "Keine Aufgaben",
      "unassigned": "Nicht zugewiesen"
but none of it worked. Could someone guide me in the right direction?
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Hi Sascha,

The solution you found in the demo basically loads all the relevant JSON files that correspond to the de-DE Culture.

Check as an example of it!

But in order to load it, you’ll have to add the localization package to your Wisej.Ext.Syncfusion2.json configuration file like the one here:

You can simply pull the files from the demo repository and add them to your project, just make sure that you specify the Culture by using ej2base.Culture = ej2Base.Culture = new CultureInfo(“de-DE”);


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Hi Alaa,

I’m still doing something wrong. I added this to the config file “localization.js”: “Syncfusion2/localization-%culture%.js”
Is that a file/path I have to provide myself?

executing ej2Base.Culture = new CultureInfo(“de-DE”); still throws an exception (see screenshot)

  • Alaa (ITG)
    Hi Sascha, yes you have to provide the file / path to your application, you can replace it with whatever path/file name. Since you only need the Deutsch Culture you can just download it from our DemoBrowser repository and use it. That’s also the cause for the exception since there isn’t any localization files to load!
  • Sascha Lorenz
    I assume I CAN’T just copy that one file, because it references other files in the JS source code. But I will try some things out. Edit: I guess it’s not enough just write this into the localization file. The exception maintains. Why is this so complicated? I just want to change some text in the control. ej.base.L10n.load({ ‘de-DE’: { ‘kanban’: { “items”: “Aufgaben”, “min”: “Min”, “max”: “Max”, “cardsSelected”: “Aufgaben ausgewählt”, “addTitle”: “Neue Aufgabe hinzufügen”, “editTitle”: “Aufgabendetails bearbeiten”, “deleteTitle”: “Aufgabe löschen”, “deleteContent”: “Möchten Sie diese Aufgabe wirklich löschen?”, “save”: “Speichern”, “delete”: “Löschen”, “cancel”: “Abbrechen”, “yes”: “Ja”, “no”: “Nein”, “close”: “Schließen”, “noCard”: “Keine Aufgaben”, “unassigned”: “Nicht zugewiesen” } } }); ej.base.setCulture(“de-DE”);
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