[SOLVED] How can Polymer web components be integrated?

Answered Closed

Dear Wisej team

On your project page, you are talking about using Google Polymer web components in a Wisej project. I meanwhile managed to write a simple widget showing a web component (paper-button) in a running web application. But I can’t make the Visual Studio designer display this component (how would the corresponding HTML file be referenced?) neither do I have an idea how to nest one (content) component inside another (container). Can you provide me with a fully working sample (including data-binding, component styling, event handling, etc.) for using Polymer web components in a Wisej project? Or at least some lines of documentation covering their use?

How large is the performance impact if many web components are used in an application?

Thank you very much in advance.

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Great Answer

Hi Daniela,

We have a general wisej polymer integration component that can integrate the polymer library and widgets but it’s not ready to be distributed yet. It will be soon. I can send you a dev/incomplete version right after the release. It willbe distributed as an extension with the full source code anyway.

Some google widgets instead will get a specific component, like charts and treemaps, for example.

In terms of overhead there is no difference on the client side when using a javascript widget directly or integrated in wisej.




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Hi Luca

Thank you for your fast response! Please do send me a version of the Polymer integration component as soon as it’s available. I’m curious.



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