I’ve been attempting to play with the notifications extension and I’ve finally figured out that it doesn’t work with IE. Would it be possible to have the Application.Browser.Features also include Notification support?
It should already include it. This is the initialization of the features map from the client passed in together with the first load request.
var data = { hash: location.hash.substr(1), browserSize: this.browserSize, screenSize: { width: screen.width, height: screen.height }, os: this.platform.getSystemName(), device: this.platform.getDeviceType(), browser: this.platform.getBrowserName(), version: this.platform.getBrowserVersion(), fullScreen: window.fullScreenApi ? window.fullScreenApi.isFullScreen() : false, features: { webSocket: ("WebSocket" in window), arrayBuffer: ("ArrayBuffer" in window), notification: ("Notification" in window), geolocation: ("geolocation" in navigator), localStorage: ("Storage" in window), speechSynthesis: (window.speechSynthesis) != null, fullScreen: window.fullScreenApi ? window.fullScreenApi.supportsFullScreen : false, speechRecognition: (window.speechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition || window.mozSpeechRecognition) != null, }, language: language };
So it does – my bad. I should have looked.