There are classes that I have already set,
***select all data in table***
List<Question> liste2 = new List<Question>();
liste2 = new QuestionAction().SearchAll();
****select one cell in table*****
List<Question> liste2 = new List<Question>();
liste2 = new QuestionAction().SearchAll(new Question { AnketID=1 });
Question Q = new Question();
Q.Soru = “dsadsad”;
new QuestionAction().Insert(Q);
I show the survey grid with the data grid. When I press a row in the ‘Survey Name’ column, I want the question to be displayed in the DataGridView by associating it with the Question ID in the table
List<Survey> anketler = new List<Survey>();
anketler = new SurveyAction().SearchAll();
dataGridView1.DataSource = anketler;
I’m not sure I understand the question. If you have 2 or more object lists and you want to generate a single data source you can use Linq or a DataSet. Wisej can use any valid .NET data source.
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