Hosting web services along with wisej site.


Hello All.

I am converting an existing ASP.NET MVC site to a wisej site. This is easy for the pages themselves but the ASP.NET project has a number of methods in a couple of controllers that pass back JSON data. These methods are used by an app that goes with the web application. My question is can I support these controller methods in my wisej site somehow ? One solution is to have a separate project which would be a plain MVC site to host these methods but I would then have to deploy it to it’s own folder in IIS. Is there a way I can host these services in my wisej project so I only have to deploy one site ?

Thanks for any help you can be.


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Hi Andrew,

Maybe using Nancy is an option for you ?

See Luca´s answer here:

Hope that helps.

Best regards

  • Andrew Pearce
    Thanks Frank. I had a read through the page you gave a link to and also the pages linked in that page. From what I can understand this would make hosting web services possible but I was hoping to just be able to take my current methods over and host them in a normal ASP.NET Controller. Maybe having a dedicated ASP.NET MVC project and put up with having to deploy 2 sites will be the easiest in the end.
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