Hi Guys,
I’m busy testing the Google Maps Extension and I must say you did an awesome job. I like the dynamic options 🙂
If I place the Google Maps extension control in a window or if I open a file in the designer that contains a Google Maps extension then I get an unhandled exception (picture). I just click cancel and everything works fine and the map is displayed in the designer.
=> It would be nice to have an OnMarkerClick() event that returns the marker ID to e.g. then use the ShowInfoWindow() to display details of the location.
=> Are there any plans to extend the functionality to include drawing elements (polygon, poly-lines, …)?
Best Regards
Forgot to add a cool thing, you can use https://snazzymaps.com/  copy and paste the style definition in the options editor using “styles”: […] and you can get any of the styles working very easily.
The event is MapClick and MapDoubleClick. When clicking on a marker the args.Marker property will have the marker ID.
You can add the polygon drawing to the source code published here https://wisej.com/extensions. It’s quite easy to add a function in startup.js and the mapping in C#. See CenterMap() and AddMarker() as examples. Let me know if you add functionality to the extension and we can publish your additions.
I will also add some polygon examples in the next few days.
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