Official rectangle documentation:
Consider this Javascript function that works with a WiseJ GoogleMap:
function drawMapRectangle(googleMap, northlat, southlat, eastlon, westlon) {
var map =;
var rectangle = new google.maps.Rectangle({
strokeColor: ‘#FF0000’,
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: ‘#00FF66’,
fillOpacity: 0.05,
map: map,
bounds: {
north: northlat,
south: southlat,
east: eastlon,
west: westlon
When calling it from WiseJ like this:
Application.Call(“window.drawMapRectangle”, mobjGoogleMap, curCity.northlat, curCity.southlat, curCity.eastlon, curCity.westlon); // call javascript
It does draw a rectangle. But right-clicking inside of it does not register the MapClick event in WiseJ
// mobjGoogleMap_MapClick: Handle click event of Google Map
private void mobjGoogleMap_MapClick(object sender, MapMouseEventArgs e)
// save location
rightClickLocation = e.Location; // update last click location
Right-clicks outside the drawn rectangle will still trigger the event.
The answer is to set clickable: false in the rectangle (undocumented), thus the rectangle with a higher zOrder than the map will miss the click, and it will go through to the map.
Hi Andrew,
Could you please attach a small runnable sample excluding the API key so we can test it?
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