it seems every other calendar component if you have AllDay events with Start = 10.03. and End = 11.03. you have a 2-day event. In FullCalender it’s only one day, even when I set the end to 11.03. 23:59
The NextDayThreshold doesn’t change anything about it.
It’s also really inconsistent when you move a normal timed event to the All Day slot on the 10.03., FullCalender sets Start and End to 10.03 00:00, and only if you resize it to two days (to the 12th) , it adds two days to the End. And if you reduce the size back to one day, then it’s 10. – 11.
I would also prefer if the component would give me 10. to 11. in the EventChanged Eventhandler.
(currently using Wisej 3.1.8)
Hi Sascha,
The FullCalendar extension is a JavaScript component, you can checkout its documentation and anything related to it over at https://fullcalendar.io/demos.
That being said, we’ll see if there’s any enhancement that could be added to the extension, you can always submit a pull request to the Wisej Extension GitHub repository if you want to contribute to the development of the extension.
We’ll let you know ASAP!
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