[SOLVED] Fullcalendar event visibility

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Is is possible to change the visibility of an event in fullcalendar?


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Best Answer

Hi Ricardo,

There is no visibility property for events, but you can “hide” them by removing them from the fullCalendar.Events list. I recommend keeping a separate list of all events. Then you can add/remove them from fullCalendar.Events to show/hide them as needed.

Best regards,


  • Ricardo Nogueiar
    Hi nick, Thank you for your quick response. Removing de event is not really an option, since i just want to quick filter the already loaded list of events (where i used “lazing loading” strategy). One trick that i’ve ended using was applying a css “invisible style” to whatever event i want to hide. The “empty space” stays in the calendar, but for the purprose in view, it works. Thanks again
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