FullCalendar Drop event



in a previous discussion (https://wisej.com/support/question/fullcalendar-drag-and-drop), you told me that
“You’ll add a new event FullCalendar.ItemDrop with the DayClickEventArgs which contains the timeslot info”

Do you know when this feature will be added ?

Best regards


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Yes, it’s there. it’s the event FullCalendar.ItemDrop. I believe it was added around March 14th.

  • henry stephane
    Thank you. I didn’t saw it in the release note. Just one more issue for me. It seems that we didn’t get the data of the dropped item. (the value we set in the DoDragDrop(param, DragDropEffects.Move); method and that we get in e.Data property of the DragEventArgs in the DragDrop method) ca you help me?
  • Luca
    • Luca
    • May 23, 2017 - 4:53 pm
    There are a couple of ways. One is to access the dropped data in the DragDrop event which always occurs before ItemDrop. I have also noticed that the implementation was incomplete, the next update (coming up in a day or so) will have the Item property added to the ItemDropEventArgs so that you can retrieve the control dropped on the FullCalendar, which is consistent with TreeView.ItemDrag.
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