The ForeColor cannot be changed in the MenuBar of a Desktop. I change it to White either by Designer or by code, but none of them can take effective at run time.
Secondly, I find that the StatusBar have no “BackColor” property. I would like to know, will changing the background color of a status bar be added later ? As I want to have the same ForeColor and BackColor for the MenuBar and StatusBar.
Felix CHAN
Hi Felix,
Those values are better changed in a theme mixin. Nevertheless, we exposed and now support Back/ForeColor + BackgroundImages for the StatusBar. Fixed the ForeColor support for the MenuBar (it was a theme setting)
For “active” items, like menu items on a menu bar or buttons on a toolbox, you should use the theme system since there are many properties and states at play: disabled, hovered, pressed, then you can set the transparency, color, borders, radius, shadow, etc.
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