Firefox losing focus?


We have an app that appears to lose focus during a particular operation.  The entire app appears to be affected, maybe even the browser window.  The app even calls Focus() on the toolbar after this happens, but it doesn’t help.  This only happens in Firefox though.  Chrome and Edge don’t lose focus.

When the app loses focus, the main problem is that the keyboard shortcuts don’t work.  We always have to click somewhere in the app to make it work again.  But, after clicking, the app works fine until we do the thing that makes it lose focus again.

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact call that’s making it lose focus because switching away from the browser seems to sometimes make it lose focus and switching back seems to sometimes restore focus 🙂

Is this a known issue?  If so, is there a known workaround?


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I don’t believe that the app does any modal operations.  It doesn’t show any dialog boxes or anything.

Here’s the process:

  • the app displays a panel with a toolbar and a bunch of labels and textboxes, the toolbar buttons have keyboard shortcuts
  • the app sets focus to the toolbar
  • the user types “c” which triggers the “consult” toolbar button
    • this operation basically lets you type stuff in that will be used to query the database later
  • the app rebuilds the toolbar with accept/cancel buttons
  • the app sets focus to the toolbar
  • the app enables all of the textboxes
  • the app sets focus to the first textbox
  • the user types things in the textboxes
  • the user types “esc” which triggers the “accept” toolbar button
  • the app disables all of the textboxes
  • the app queries the database for the values supplied in the textboxes, gets a result set and populates the textboxes with the values from the first matching row
  • the app rebuilds the toolbar with the original set of buttons
  • the app sets focus to the toolbar

At this point, the user should be able to type “m” to trigger the “modify” operation, but the entire app lost focus somewhere after the user hit “esc”.

I’m not 100% sure about exactly when “the app disables all of the textboxes” step is done.  That step might be out-of-order, but it’s definitely not done after the final toolbar-rebuild/focus.

I can email you a link that you can use to access the app if you want to look at it directly.  Just let me know.


  • Frank (ITG)
    Thanks for the detailed description. A link would be great, please send it to Thanks in advance ! Best regards, Frank
  • David
    • David
    • Jul 20, 2017 - 7:25 pm
    ok, just sent it
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Hi David,

are you doing any modal operations before the focus is lost ? Can you please describe the situation/operation where this problem occurs a bit more in detail ?

Best regards

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