Extension Syncfusion EJ2 . Accesibility


Hello, how are you? Happy New Year.

I would like to consult how to manipulate the properties of Syncfusion’s DocumentEditor, using the Extension. Since I need to modify the language and other properties of the Control.
Thank you so much

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Hi Herman,

Thank you for your interest in Wisej.NET and its premium extensions.

You can change the culture of all the EJ2 controls using the following call:

ej2Base.Culture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

We have a fully featured demo application called the DemoBroweser, you can check it out here: https://demo.wisej.net/Syncfusion2/#DocumentEditor

The DemoBrowser is open source, meaning you can also check out the code behind it!

For the DocumentEditor, please visit: https://github.com/iceteagroup/wisej-demobrowser/blob/main/Wisej.DemoBrowser.Premium/Wisej.Web.Ext.Syncfusion2.Demo/Component/DocumentEditor.cs

You can always clone the repo and run the demo application yourself!

Best regards,


  • Hernan Ramos
    Thank you very much for the response, only that does not work, I have tried it with the languages ​​that are configured both DE and IT, but it does not work even in the online demo: https://demo.wisej.net/Syncfusion2, I would appreciate it if This is due to some error or missing additional configuration. Greetings!!
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