Hi, is there an example/doc how to use data binding … EF or Object Binding … or any example that shows binding components (especially a grid) to a sql server data source … best practise in order to show backend validation error messages within the grid view … Best Regards Harald
Hi Harald,
Wisej DataGridView is just like WinForms DataGridView. Whatever you usually do on WinForms DGV you can and should do on Wisej DGV.
Regarding the validation and error icon, there are several ways of doing it.
Have a look here (MSDN/TechNet) or here (StackOverflow) or even here (CodeProject).
You can also implement IDataErrorInfo
on your business object, add an ErrorProvider to your Form and set its DataSource to the same DataSource of the DataGridView. A BindingSource will be ok. It’s explained here (very interesting StackOverflow discussion).
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