Error on Hybrid Remote Remote Application when check Device.Valid


Hi, in a Hybrid Remote Application i got an error when for the first time i check the Device.Valid property.
The error is not trapper by Try-Catch and consist in a modal dialog window  attached.
If i click Ok and redo the same action the Device.Valid did return true and the application goes as expected.


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Works great!!!!


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Hi Gabriele,

can you please retry with Wisej.NET 3.5.8?
It should be fixed now.

Best regards

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Goof Morning, update about problem.
The same problem arise in production. Attached you can find a VS solution to test.
The Hybrid Remote Application is published on Internet wiht valid SSL certificate.

When i run the remote application in browser the application run as expected.
When i run th Hybrid Client sometimes i get error and sometimes run as expected



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I tried with Wisej 3.5.6 and with the most recent version (3.5.7-preview.2) and I cannot reproduce.

Can you provide a sample and instructions on how you are running it? It works fine for me when I run on Windows using devtunnels (This video basically shows how I set up the project:

  • Gabriele Del Giovine
    Hi Julie, i tried you attached project (very close to mine). Using Devtunnels on development/debug solve problem. When i don’t use devtunnels on development/debug the error appears on MAUI application. Now i need to check when the remote is in production in intranet and internet scenario with FQDN hosts.
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