Hi, in a Hybrid Remote Application i got an error when for the first time i check the Device.Valid property.
The error is not trapper by Try-Catch and consist in a modal dialog window attached.
If i click Ok and redo the same action the Device.Valid did return true and the application goes as expected.
Hi Gabriele,
can you please retry with Wisej.NET 3.5.8?
It should be fixed now.
Best regards
Goof Morning, update about problem.
The same problem arise in production. Attached you can find a VS solution to test.
The Hybrid Remote Application is published on Internet wiht valid SSL certificate.
When i run the remote application in browser the application run as expected.
When i run th Hybrid Client sometimes i get error and sometimes run as expected
I tried with Wisej 3.5.6 and with the most recent version (3.5.7-preview.2) and I cannot reproduce.
Can you provide a sample and instructions on how you are running it? It works fine for me when I run on Windows using devtunnels (This video basically shows how I set up the project: https://docs.wisej.com/hybrid/development/remote-application)
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