Download wisej.exe




where can i find the exe installation files for the latest software?

I was still using version 2 and want to upgrade to version 3 wile installing my new computer.

when I follow the download link from my emails i’m only able to download a *.vsix file

I have no idea how to install with this type of file.


best regards,



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ok thanks for your quick reply

can you also quickly explain the steps how to install this extension?

so I can start directly without searching to much and make to much mistakes.

thanks in advance.

  • Alaa (ITG)
    It’s fairly simple, it’s compatible with both VS 2019 and VS 2022. You just have to download the VSIX corresponding to the VS version you’re using and install it like you would install any other program. And you should be good to go!
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Hi Bjron,

Wisej.NET now is shipped with a VSIX installer that has everything you need to kickstart your projects.

The VSIX has the templates and Designer included, while the Wisej.NET assembly itself is distributed through NuGet packages, this way it’s always easier to be up to date, and you have the advantage of rolling-back to previous versions more easily.


It’s the same experience as before, it’s just installed as a Visual Studio Extension now!



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