Do you have an VS extension supporting python?


Dear Team,

Do you have an VS extension supporting python?

Kind regards!

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We do not have a VS extension supporting Python.

However, Wisej supports all .NET languages, which includes Python, so you can code your Wisej application in Python if you want. The designer only supports C# and VB.NET (technically we have a version for COBOL and F# as well)- so you won’t be able to use the designer if you code your application in Python.

You would need to use IronPython which uses managed code. IronPython generates IL code, which the .NET runtime translates to native code and then executes.

Another option would be to use an interop like Python.NET, which allows you to call Python code from C# and C# code from Python:

For more information on managed code (IronPython) vs interop (Python.NET), read this:


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