[SOLVED] DGV Hidden Column is not Really Hidden

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When a datagridview column’s Visisble property is set false, though it’s is not shown in the dgv, that column appears in ColumnVisibilityMenu as unchecked. Clicking that checkbox will show it back into the grid.

If I want to hide a really confidential info like UnitCost in Invoicing app, how would I do that? The obvious answer is not to include that column in dgv. But the app needs that UnitCost column in generating the accounting journal entries.

Having said that, I think there should be another property if the column should appear in the ColumnVisibilityMenu or not.


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Best Answer

Hi all,

this was logged as WJ-7572 and added to the latest build (1.2.57).

Thanks !

Best regards

  • Luca (ITG)
    An added benefit is that when Visible=true and ShowInVisibilityMenu=false the user cannot hide the column.
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Hi Frank, Luca

Thanks. Column Visibility Menu seems to work perfectly now. Just didn’t have a chance to test if vertical scrollbar is available or shows up when the number of visible columns to be shown in the menu is more than the number of items the menu container can hold or accomodate.


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Hi Frank, Luca,

It’s working as stated. But…..

If a user wants to hide/unhide several columns, user has to click the ColumnVisibilityMenu as many times as the number columns he/she wants to hide/unhide. Isn’t it nice if there is just an X button at the upper-right corner of the menu so it can be done in one go?

Sorry, didn’t realize that earlier. I may or may not need that feature but definitely, Wisej needs it.

Just my 2 cents. If I am getting PITA, just call my attention.


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Hi Cris,

At first read this looks like a requisite that belongs to the Model, and not to the View – Wisej.

Reading more carefully, it makes perfect sense. We want to hide some information from the user, no matter what. The information we don’t hide, is the user information. We want to let the user choose what info he wants to view, but of course that should not include hidden information; only user information should be available in the ColumnVisibilityMenu.

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Hi Alex,

That’s the use case I was thinking of.

I might want do hide it because the ID is just a BD thing, I need it to be there for some purpose but it’s completely useless to the end user and it will only make the list more difficult to read

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Hi Alex, Cris, Tiago,

you´re absolutely right and we´re going to address that issue with “real” invisible columns soon,
meaning that they are not listed in the ColumnVisibilityMenu at all.

We are planning to add a new property Column.ShowInVisibilityMenu (default = true) that should
allow us to handle all requirements.

Best regards and thanks for your input/feedback !

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Hi guys,

+1 for the above. Just think of a primary key column (either integer or guid) which is not not only unnecessary to the user but sometimes bad to expose as well, but in the same time it is necessary to pass from a master datagrid to the row Click event to get some detail info.


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