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What should we set in the web config to increase the session time out ?   I tried to set the session state time out,  but that didn’t extend the timeout.


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Best Answer

With wisej the application configuration settings are in the json file. A web application (the project in VS) can host multiple wisej applications and each app can be configured separately without the need to create an additional application in IIS. It’s a lot simpler.

By default, when you use the new app template, you get Default.html and Default.json. That is the default app that launches when you browse to http://localhost (in dev mode) or http://my-server.com/

If you select Add->New Item -> Wisej -> Application you can create an additional app sharing the same code (not the session). Or you can create by hand, for example: Admin.html and Admin.json in the same project. Now you can browse to http://localhost/admin.html (or http://localhost/admin  of the url property in Admin.json is set. This way the same project can expose different aspects to users.

In Default.json or {new app name}.json you can define different entry points. See the startup or mainwindow properties. So in your project now you can have Program.cs (for the main) and/or Admin.cs, or any additional entry point. Documentation is coming… 🙂

To answer your question: in Default.json, see the “sessionTimeout” property. It’s in seconds.

Wisej will calculate the keep alive time out from the session timeout and will fire the appropriate events depending on that value. This way the app can detect if a user is inactive, of the client was turned off, etc.







  • Luca
    • Luca
    • May 5, 2016 - 9:40 pm
    And I wanted to add that we don’t use ASP.NET sessions, we use the HttpRuntime.Cache and set the objects to not removable. The cache manager is configurable and can be replaced by a custom class if needed (not recommended).
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