Hello again,
I would like to know if i can add the title of the form to the desktop taskbar item (not the preview).
In the screenshot there are two examples:
Hi Luca,
I’m also interested in this feature, but in VBNET I’m not eable to do it work, I use WiseJ 2.
Please can you attach a simple project?
You can patch the wisej.web.desktop.TaskBarItem javascript class like this:
qx.Mixin.define("my.TaskBarItemPatch", { construct: function () { this.addListenerOnce("appear", function (e) { this.setShow("both"); this.setIconPosition("left"); this.setLabel(this.window.getCaption()); // <-- change this to this.window.getTaskbarLabel() as indicated below. }); } }); qx.Class.patch(wisej.web.desktop.TaskBarItem, my.TaskBarItemPatch);
This will use the title of the form. If you want a custom text unrelated to the title of the form you need to add a way to pass the text to the code above. One way is to add a property TaskbarLabel to the form. You can do that by creating a new form class:
qx.Class.define("my.Form", { extend: wisej.web.Form, properties: { taskbarLabel: { init: "", check: "String" } } });
Then extend Wisej.Web.Form and in your C#/VB.NET class, add a string property TaskbarLabel and in OnWebRender:
protected override void OnWebRender(dynamic config) { base.OnWebRender((object)config); config.className = "my.Form"; config.taskbarLabel = this.TaskbarLabel; }
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