Designs with responsive profiles



I’m having a less than enjoyabled time with designer and responsive profiles. Currently using the latest visual studio 2022 and wisej 3.5.

What I’m experiencing is the field sizes on my pages changing when switching between responsive profiles at design time. I think I’ve narrowed it down to using anchors within a layout container. Flow layout containers specfically. Fields that are docked so far seem to behave correctly. I am primarily designing a desktop and phone layout in my project. When I switch between responseive profiles the size of the fields is often not remembered. Which causes some visual oddities. Then you go in an fix the field sizes in the one profile, then check the other profile and find the sizes have changed. You can chase this behavior for sometime, very frustrating.

What I’m curious about is if there is any known issues with the desinger and responesive profiles in visual studio 2022? or a list of things to watch out for? Like don’t use anchors in flow containers?

The next item I’m wondering about is if there is a way to lock the design? I’ve taken to making the design files read only but this is a cumbersome process that I feel shouldn’t be necessary.


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I’ll give the show/hide anchors a try. Thank you.


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Hi Tim,

we’re currently not aware of any generic issues with the responsive properties.
One thing to keep in mind is that the Anchor property itself is also responsive, i.e. is remembered for each profile.
What happened to me in the past is that I accidentally changed some anchor settings while moving around elements.
You can turn off the little anchoring helpers from the Wisej.NET designer toolbar to avoid this:





Apart from this a sample of what you’re trying to achieve and where it fails would be of great help to further track down that issue and see if there is something to fix or improve on our end.

Best regards

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