[CLOSED] Designer does not show user control in VS 2015



I ran the userControl sample – it works in runtime. The user control cannot be edited in the VS designer:



  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Apr 27, 2016 - 1:25 pm
    Can you please the reference to Wisej.Web assemblies in VS and see if they are set to CopyLocal = true?
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Hi Mitch,

apparently this is related to Tiago´s issue and also caused by a missing path in the registry
that´s needed by Visual Studio to find the assemblies instead of duplicating them.

Can you also please retry with the latest Wisej build that has just been uploaded ?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

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Hi Mitch,

thanks for trying Wisej and sending your bug report.

I have tried to reproduce here, but failed so far. Can you please provide us with the call stack where it happens.

Thanks in advance !

Best regards

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Apr 27, 2016 - 1:19 pm
    Looks like the same issue that Tiago is reporting. It happens when VS loads the same assembly from different locations so it finds two identical classes. We have seen this many times. Looks like either an issue with the installer or the projects references. One of the cases is when the assemblies are marked Copy Local but they are also in the GAC.
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