Deployment Issue - Access to path is denied error


I’m getting this message in my browser when deploying to a new install of my WiseJ app on Server 2012:

“Wisej failed to initialize for the following reason: Access to the path ‘C:\Windows\TEMP\Wisej\TPortal\Wisej.Web\Wisej.Web.Platform.QXDesktop.json’ is denied..”

I checked ASP.Net Trust level – it is set to Full. Using the .Net 45 App Pool.

I don’t recall getting this error the first time I set it up (re-did the server setup on a VM this time)

What would cause this ?

  • edmond girardi
    My App Pool on the server – even though it says .NET 45 – it actually point to .NET 4.0.30319 – is this correct ?
  • edmond girardi
    Also looked in that path and there are a bunch of WiseJ files in there: C:\Windows\Temp\Wisej\TPortal\
  • edmond girardi
    Just noticed in the Webconfig you have a section” ” Do i need to list the “Wisej.Ext.FontAwesome” in this section ? Although I don’t recall doing that before.
  • edmond girardi
    Any Ideas ? I have to get this server up and running by Monday for a demo.
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Best Answer

Solved the issue -and I should have looked here much earlier – in Windows Event Viewer – I was able to see the full stack trace. An exception was logged regarding the webconfig file.

Webconfig had an extra bracket at the end of one line.

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It’s the identity for the app pool that cannot write to temp.

The .NET v4.5 seems to be using NetworkService by default. While the the DefaultAppPool uses ApplicationPoolIdentity. I always use DefaultAppPool or create a new one for the application.

  • edmond girardi
    Added that – still get the issue. What do you have under the server Roles\Web Server\Security – what boxes are checked ?
  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Dec 1, 2017 - 6:32 pm
    I don’t know where to look. The demo machine is a W2016 server created in amazon aws without changes.
  • edmond girardi
    Going to do a Fresh Install of a Server 2012 R2 VM Machine and not use the image of the OS in the VM Manager.
  • edmond girardi
    Same issue – even after a fresh install of Server 2012 and enabling all the proper features.
  • Luca
    • Luca
    • Dec 1, 2017 - 10:16 pm
    Can you send a screen shot of the Security tab of \Windows\Temp to support[at] please?
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