we are running on Wisej
DateTime picker is not rendered correctly. All dates prior to current dates when clicked in DateTime picker show as -1 day than selected one.
Current date and future dates are shown correctly.
Also years are rendered as strange “0NaN” string.
While looking on the issues almost identical one was shown on this thread
But it was supposed to be fixed in in release 1.30.60 and onwards
Tried accessing app from Chrome on Windows as well as Safari on Mac, same issue was shown
Thank you,
Hi Dino,
we are finalizing the next Wisej release which is going to be published this week.
Please contact me at frankATiceteagroup.com if you need a prerelease build.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
has fix been released? I can see latest development release still from oct.27
It was fixed. This is a different issue caused by other fix for the Thai calendar that happens to mess up the yer for the hr-HR locale. The browser returns a strange format when using toLocaleDateTimeString(). It’s logged as WJ-8557. The fix should be out today.
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