DataViewGrid Input with EditOnKeystrokeOrF2



since a few weeks I have a problem with DataGridView Input using EditOnKeystrokeOrF2.

When I go to a specific cell and press for example ‘1″:

if  the cell already has an value, the old value is overwritten an the cell gets ‘1’ and the cursor is at the end of text, if i press then ‘2’ the solution is ’12’

That is Ok

But if the cell is previously empty, the cell gets ‘1’ (this ok) but the cursor goes to the beginning of the text, and if i next press ‘2’ the solution is ’21’

that is wrong

Can you please tell me why or how can i avoid this.


  • Neil Hoskins
    We get this issue too but we’re changing to EditOnEnter to get around it – I don’t think this is ideal because it puts a cell in edit mode as soon as you click on it and I don’t like that behaviour (it’s too easy to change things unintentionally).
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Hi Rupert,

Thank you for reporting this issue, unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the issue, can you please give us the exact steps ?

Also, it would be great if you can wrap up a sample that closely mimics your DataGridView.

Best Regards,


  • Alaa (ITG)
    Also, can you try with the latest 3.5.6 Preview build? Thanks!
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