I have a question for you.
My code as follow:
DataGridViewRow dr = new DataGridViewRow();
dr.Cells[0].Value = “SUM:”;
dgViewSum.Rows.Insert(0, dr);
Second column: dr.CreateCells(dgViewSum); error.
‘DataGridViewRow’ does not contain a definition for ‘CreateCells’.
Please how can I fix this error,
Make it do what I want?
Thank you so much!
Hi Justice,
You can achieve your goal by using the DataGridView SummaryRows, it’s a neat feature in Wisej!
There’s a sample that can guide you, you can find it here: wisej-examples/DataGridViewSummaryRows at 2.5 · iceteagroup/wisej-examples (github.com)
Also, please checkout the documentation here: wisej-examples/DataGridViewSummaryRows at 2.5 · iceteagroup/wisej-examples (github.com)
Please let us know if it works for you!
Like the attached picture.
I want to insert a total column below the last data in the detail column of DataGridView.
Later, I tried to make the following modifications:
DataGridViewRow dr = new DataGridViewRow();
// ◇◆ DataGridViewRow 已經不包含 CreateCells 這個 Method 了,改用 Cells.Add(DataGridViewCell)– Modified by Justice Lin 2022/02/10
DataGridViewCell dc = new DataGridViewCell();
dr.Cells[0].Value = “合計:”;
dgViewSum.Rows.Insert(0, dr);
However, it has not been tested yet.
Thank you!
In Wisej DataGridRow don’t have CreateCells method
If you could explain us what is your goal, we could help you in a better way
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