I Have an aplication in vb.net and i want edit a boolean value in the datagridview, but not work. I have readonly = false and i can´t edit the CheckBoxColumn, the value is not assigned. Show the example, in the Column0 i can modify, but Column1 not!!
Help me please!!
Hi Carina,
looking at your code it seems that you are missing to bind Column1 to the datasource member.
Can you please also share how/where you define the bindings for the DGV columns ?
I have created a small sample (in C#) like this:
this.dataGridView1.Columns[“colText”].DataPropertyName = “Text”;
this.dataGridView1.Columns[“colCheck”].DataPropertyName = “Check”;
this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(“Text”, typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add(“Check”, typeof(bool));
dt.Rows.Add(“Text1”, true);
dt.Rows.Add(“Text2”, false);
dt.Rows.Add(“Text3”, true);
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
dt.Rows[1][“Check”] = true;
Also, there is no need to assign the datasource a 2nd time as this does not perform any update.
Best regards
Hi Frank!
My code is :
gridSolicitudes.AutoGenerateColumns = False
dtDatos = AbrirDataTable(“SELECT * FROM IMPORTACIONES”)
dtDatos.Columns.Add(“Seleccionar”, Type.GetType(“System.Boolean”))
For Each dr As DataRow In dtDatos.Rows
dr(“Seleccionar”) = False
gridSolicitudes.DataSource = dtDatos
And here change status colums bool :
If gridSolicitudes.Rows.Count > 0 Then
For Each dr As DataRow In dtDatos.Rows
dr(“Seleccionar”) = CBool(True)
End If
gridSolicitudes.DataSource = dtDatos
Thanks for your help!
Hi Carina,
thanks for your message. Did you try with the latest Wisej rölease (1.4.50) ?
If you did, can you please share some code that you have been using ? Is your DataGridView bound to a DataSource ?
If you don´t want to post here, you can also send it to frankATiceteagroup.com
Thanks in advance !
Best regards
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