DataGridView unbound columns and manual created columns do not raise the CellFormatting event.
Hi Thanasis,
WJ-8028 is fixed in the latest Wisej release (1.3.35).
Best regards
You can unistall rerunning the installer, but the toolbox sometimes gets “corrupted”. See
You can also right click on the toolbox and reset it. The toolbox is another one of those Visual Studio long standing problems.
The license activation is unaffected by uninstalling or reinstalling.
VS 2013 or 2015?
I apologize for the time you spent, for a problem which is not general as I thought.
I deleted all the folders in C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[version]\ProjectAssemblies with no success.
But, the fact that this problem existed in a previous build makes me wondering if this is a problem with the installation of the WiseJ.
Maybe it is related with the fact that the WiseJ components exists twice (at least) in my Visual Studio Toolbox.
What is a proper procedure to fully uninstall the WiseJ and re-install it, without having problems as licensing activation etc?
Thank you for the steps. Tried again following them but it still works for me:
I tried variations too. When the Design group is not showing it means that the column component is not in design mode, which is also why the asterisk is not showing when a property is modified in the editor – this is all managed by the Visual Studio designer. We had an issue similar to this in an early build when the columns were not initialized with a design site.
When you select a column in the column editor, if the column is not in design mode you should see the move up/down, delete and property grid disabled. This feature has been added a couple of builds ago to manage inherited columns.
One possibility is that VS is loading an old Wisej.Web.Design from somewhere. VS has a habit of cloning assemblies into temporary folders.
Look in C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\[version]\ProjectAssemblies
You can delete all the directories in there.
I would like to thank you for the fast response on bug fix.
The problem with column editor seems to appear when you reopen the editor while the form remains opened.
Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Open Solution test_wisej2
2. On Solution Explorer double click item Window1.vb and wait for the designer to show the form.
3. Select DataGridView1 and press the right arrow to open the DataGridView Tasks.
4. Select the “Edit Columns”
5. Select from the left side the LastName and set the DataPropertName to (none) on the right side
6. Press OK
(At this point please check that the window name has an asterisk, which means that there are changes pending to be saved. This is the right behaviour)
7. Press the Save All button and don’t close the form
8. Again, Select DataGridView1 and press the right arrow to open the DataGridView Tasks.
9. Select the “Edit Columns”
*** 1st Problem: At this point check to see that there is no Design Group on the right side
10. Select from the left side the LastName and set the DataPropertName to “LastName” on the right side
11. Press OK
*** 2nd Problem: There is no asterisk on window name, which means there are no changes pending to be saved
*** 3rd Problem: If you Run the application or Save it and Open it again, you will see that the change has gone.
Thank you for the test case. The issue is that null values don’t fire the formatting event, logged and fixed as WJ-8028.
We can’t reproduce the designer issue. Have had reports about that issue before but couldn’t reproduce. It seems to be related to VS designer and assembly mismatch when the designer loads multiple version of the same assembly.
Please take a look at the screencast linked below using your test app. Let me know if you get a different result. This is using VS2015.
In this application there is a Datagridview with 6 columns.
The 4th column is left unbound.
In the textbox on the right side you can see the ColumnIndex of the CellFormatting events.
The datatable has 2 rows.
So the events raised are for columns 0,1,2,4,5 for the first row and 0,1,2,4,5 for the second row.
There is no event for ColumnIndex 3.
This is a problem if you want to show an image in that column.
By the way, there is a very annoying problem with the datagridview column editor which does not save the changes you made but there are still in the designer. For example change the order of the columns. The designer changes the order but there is no change on the actual page. This is still true with many other column properties. Try to set and unset the DataPropertyName and you will see what I mean.
Cannot reproduce. Tried in several ways. Can you please attach a small test case?
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