DataGridView Error editing columns



This problem is come with 2025, in years 2024 there is not, it could be a visual studio update?

I have a problem, I’ test wisej version from 3.2.2 to 3.5.14

With version 3.2.1 or lower, there is not this problem.

With a datagridview, I create the columns, then if in designer I try to edit the columns I have the error:

Unable to find the method Boolean Wisej.Web.DataBridViewColumn.get_IsBoundColumnBrowsable()

I attach test project and screenshot. I use Visual Studio 2022 build 17.12.3, that is the last at this time.



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Best Answer

I tested with your test case and was unable to reproduce on my machine.

Make sure that you have the latest version of the Wisej VSIX installed, you can find it here:

Also make sure that the VSIX version matches the nuget package version. For example, using 3.5.14 for the Nuget package and the VSIX.

You can slso try restarting Visual Studio, and doing a clean and rebuild of your project.

Hope this helps,




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