[CLOSED] Data Source usability


Verified on VS2015 and VS2013. Atttached screen shots are VS2015.

1) Top menu Project doesn’t show “Add New Data Source…”

2) Top menu View => Other Windows doesn’t show “Data Sources”

3) Data Sources window reports “There are no data sources to show for the selected project.” although the project has data sources defined.

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The data source picker is working all right. Now it’s possible to create data sources on Wisej projects. And so I did on my BoundTesting project.

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That menu is a bit more complicated to enable since VS disables it for Web applications. They want you to use Add->New Item -> Data -> … And we don’t want to create a custom project type (like VWG did). It’s a lot better to stick with the standard Web project type in VS – the installation is easier and the project is always loadable. We may be able to enable the menu item later on with the Visual Studio integration package which will also add the ThemeBuilder as a embedded document editor in VS. We’ll keep the issue logged by Frank as unresolved for now.

However, the data source picker now has the “Add Project Data Source” enabled.



If you click the drop down to select the DataSource either in the designer quick actions or the property panel now you can see the “Add Project Data Source” item and it should also list all the available datasources. The same data source picker works also for the generic bindings on other controls.

Can you please verify that your data sources are visible in the data source picker?


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Thanks Tiago.

I could reproduce the problems and logged them as WJ-7235.
We will answer when these issues are resolved.

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