Within the Cordova InAppBrowser Wisej Upload and GeoLocation controls are cannot be used. Is there a solution for this?
For overcome this problem we built a new websocket server and device and session can communicate over socket. However, I want to use wisej socket background and want to send data directly to some components or use the Application.Update or something different way. Is this possible?
Thank you.
Hi Adil,
Wisej doesn’t have any particular support for geolocation. The gelocation component simply uses https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation, which is the standard W3C specification https://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source.html.
However, it’s easy to use any other implementation by any browser as long as it’s available to javascript. Also, notice that browsers now block all geolocation requests for non SSL connections.
We are not Cordova experts so I can’t help much, but a quick search on apache shows that a plug in maybe needed https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-plugin-geolocation/ to enable gelocation support.
Forgot to answer about the upload feature. Wisej uses a hidden <input type=”file”> element which works just the same on mobile and tablet devices. The upload process is a standard http postback. I just tried our upload example from an iphone and it works with the single and multiple selection – on the phone it lets you choose one or more pictures from the photo library or lets you use the camera. If the device had more file systems they would also appear in the mobile popup selector.
Hi Luca,
Actually, Wisej works with device’s deafult browser or other browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Ninja, Lightning etc. Only problem is we couldn’t activate geolocation on iphone safari.
My question is more spesific when building hybrid mobile application. Yes there are more an more plugings can be used but these plugins can be activated on htmls where hosted under cordova application’s www folders. Wisej on the contrary can not be hosted on device’s www folder. therefore we should have to use another plugin InAppBrowser which works like as an windows webbrowser control. We set this browser’s url to our mobile appearance wisej pages. VisualWebGui also works like this. Differently from wisej they have some dlls like named DeviceIntegration, PhoneGap. I think they implement device plugins’ js files to server side so therfore device plugin actions (camera, media, contact, device, file etc.) can be understandable from device when hit from vwg pages.
My main concern is how can I do this with wisej?
Thank you.
Hi Adil,
this is not 100% clear to us. Wisej can use any javascript API and if you have a reference to a geolocation javascript API we can help you
on how to use it from a Wisej component. Just let us know please.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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