columnIndex Error



We are starting to get this error on datagiridview when the datasource is empty. if there are rows on datasource there is no error.

Thank you.

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Some news or any workaround while new version is released?
Thanks in advance!

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That issue also began to happen to me, thank you if a new release soon today…
I would like to know the reason that it started to appear
I am also interested in the today’s prereleased version, please
Thanks in advance!

  • Luca
    • Luca
    • May 30, 2017 - 2:58 pm
    It was caused by the client side of the datagrid trying to set the focus cell to -1, -1 because of a change that allowed the datagrid to focus the first visible cell automatically. There is a differential of 1 column between the client and the server component because for the client the row header is column 0, while for the server it doesn’t exist as a column (internally it does) and is considered -1. We added some safeguards to prevent potential errors like this to cause an exception and we have made the code a bit more tolerant.
  • Ser Gar
    Thanks, any workaround while new version is released?
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Hi Frank,

if expected new realese can be delivered today I can wait. otherwise I need pre-release build please.

thank you. 🙂

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Hi Adil,

yes, this problem has been logged as WJ-8248 and is already fixed but not yet rolled out in a new build.

Please let me know if you need a pre-release build, otherwise I expect a new release either today or tomorrow.

Best regards

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