Client's Printers Loading


Dear all hi!


I have spent a lot of time to search for how to load client’s printers, but I couldn’t find anything helpful!

My aim is to allow user to print a set of barcodes directly to its printer.

I am using wisej with language.

I am not so familiar with javascript.

Please, do somebody have any sample to provide me of how I can do it? Is there a library that can read client’s installed printers?

This is the last part of my application in order to be deployed for use and I am in a kind of desperate situation right now!


Best regards to everyone,


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Unfortunately, it’s not possible to access the client’s printers directly in Wisej. That’s not a limitation specific to Wisej- it’s not possible to access printers directly via javascript in any browser.

You would have to go through some sort of print preview, which would list the printers that the client has and give you a button that you can click to print.
Here are some options:
-The PrintPreview Extension

This forum post has some sample C# code for the PrintPreview extension, which you may find helpful:

Hope this helps,

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Dear July thank you so much for your suggestions.

I’ll give them a try.




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