[CLOSED] Classic-2 theme with CaptionBar like Windows10


Hi all Classic-2 users,

Please try the attached theme. It was updated today, merging the official Classic-2 download with my own changes.


  • CaptionBar active color is the same as the MessageBox information
  • control icons (close, minimize, maximize, restore) are the same size as on Windows 10 (16px instead of 22 px)
  • hovering control icons shows the same background and foreground colours as on Windows 10

If you prefer this variation, we can ask Wisej team to include it as a replacement, or as Classic-3, or Classic-4, or Classic-whatever.


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Dear Tiago,

Personally, I like the minimalistic black-n-white Classic-2 style, so I’d prefer to have it as it is and add yours as a Classic-Win10 or whatever.

Best regards,

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