Hi guys,
I’m trying to replace a VWG event scheduling UserControl I had created, which had a lot of checkboxes to represent the week days (7) and month dates (31+1) as well as 7 DateTimePickers (showing time only) and 7 NumericUpDowns for the start time and duration in minutes of the scheduled event respectively. A picture of the Weekly view of this UserControl is shown in the first attached.
Now, when I replaced that with Wisej, I found out that the result is much larger in both width and height. This is using the Classic-2 theme, with other themes the result is even larger. This is shown in the second attached. The reasons I have spotted are the following:
Best regards,
Hi Alex,
this is what we get now with updated Classic 2 theme:
About the margins, the default is 3 (all). Set it to 1 to remove the margin. (0 has a problem and goes to -1).
DateTimePicker now (1.2.63) supports ShowCalendar property to hide the calendar symbol if not needed.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
Dear Frank,
Yes, the NumericUpDown arrows look very nice with updated Classic-2 theme. And it will be great if you included it in the built-in themes!
I also noticed that the TimePicker arrow behaviour is now correct. Since I haven’t downloaded any newer dll, does this mean that it was fixed when I set the Format to Custom? Strange …
Hi Alex,
I have updated the themes again. Can you please give it a try ?
I´d also like to mention that Classic-2 will make it into the build in themes soon.
Best regards
Dear Frank,
Hi Frank,
Is there an updated Classic-2 theme you need to upload or should I do something to show the arrows in the NumericUpDown?
Excellent! Thank you.