ChartJs Format numbers


Hello, does someone know how to format numbers (thousand point,etc) in chartJS?

Or simply cant do that in wisej?


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If you can do it in ChartJS via JavaScript, then you can do it in Wisej. So it should be possible.

As for what javascript to write, check out this StackOverflow post:

Note that some of the examples have you set the “options” of the ChartJS widget. You can read the Wisej documentation on widget options here:

Other useful Wisej documentation:



You also mention setting the locale. You can try the ToLocaleString() method:

Here’s an example of using ToLocaleString with the Eval function. (Eval lets you call javascript code from C#. In this case, the javascript code is  var x= 123456.789; x.toLocaleString('en-US'); )

Application.Eval("var x= 123456.789; x.toLocaleString('en-US');", (r) => { AlertBox.Show(r.ToString()); });

And here’s an example with EvalAsync:
var result = await Application.EvalAsync("var x= 123456.789; x.toLocaleString('en-US');");

  • appservice srl
    Thanks Julie I will try.!
  • appservice srl
    i tried using widget, eval, etc but could not format the numbers. Can you make a sample? I believe the problem resides in the nuget package itselft. It should be simple and direct for such a basic configuration…
  • Luca (ITG)
    Send a test case with the code that is not working for you. There is nothing wrong in the nuget package itself.
  • appservice srl
    Well it did work on serverside, Simnply create a list (of strings) to add the data objects in it using your desired format. (#,### etc) then add the list in yout dataset “formatted” property . And thats it. both datalabel and tooltip is formated. I could not figure it out using javascript. No idea how to callback with this object. Will figure it out later.
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