Hi, I like to build a website for an agency..
I need that the client can open for example… www.mywebsite.com/index.xxx
but if the same client open in new window… http://www.mywebsite.com/contact.xxx
or maybe for the search… wwww.mywebsite.com/product?search=residencial+bahamas
and in other window maybe….. wwww.mywebsite.com/product?search=residencial+campanario
If I like for example right click in a link and “open in new tab”?
Thanks… I like WiseJ, but I need this functions like a normal website too.
Is possible with WiseJ?
The sample ‘Deep Linking’ is not working… crash every time.
An unhandled exception of type ‘System.StackOverflowException’ occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Hi Michael,
Wisej is based on the Single Page Application concept (SPA) like all javascript systems: extjs, ext.net, jquery UI, dojo, etc.
However, with Wisej you can handle the URL arguments and hash value to navigate within the application at any level. In the case of single page applications it’s called Deep Linking. See a simple example at https://wisej.com/examples.
You can also “navigate” multiple pages in your code simply calling Show() on a Page object or by assigning the new page to Application.MainPage.
To give you a better example, you can navigate like this:
http://myapp.com?search=value http://myapp.com?id=1234#customer http://myapp.com?id=1234&expire=300#reservation
The app can process hash changes using the Application.HashChanged event, it can store a particular path by setting Application.Hash parameter.
Can process tha arguments using Main(args) and/or Application.QueryString[name].