You can set the AppearanceKey on most controls to change which “branch” of the theme to use. The Button control is set to “button” by default. You can change it to “button-alert” or “button-ok”, or “button-info” or “button-cancel”. These are the built-in additional button appearances. However, you can add additional custom appearances. You could add, for example, “confirm-button” or “large-button” and decide what they should look like in a custom theme or a theme mixin, then set the AppearanceKey to your new appearance name.
When using the ThemeBuilder, you can always see the actual key name in the status bar. Click on the Info button, for example, and the status bar will show “button-info” or “button-info/label” since the click most likely landed on the internal “label” widget. See screenshot below.
Just perfect!
thanks a lot
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