Hi – I’m trying to use the MouseWheel event in Full Calendar. The below code does not work as expected. The event actually does fire sometimes – but e.Delta is always 0 – never greater than or less than 0. I am attaching to the event.
Private Sub SetupEvents() Handles Me.Load
AddHandler caseCalendar.MouseWheel, AddressOf CheckMouseWheel
End Sub
Private Sub CheckMouseWheel(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs)
If e.Delta > 0 Then MoveItemUp()
If e.Delta < 0 Then MoveItemDown()
AlertBox.Show(“Mouse wheel delta = ” & e.Delta.ToString)
End Sub
Hi Matthew,
WJ-8311 is fixed in the latest Wisej release (1.3.82).
Best regards
Thanks very much Frank!
Hi Matthew,
thanks, I have logged issue WJ-8311 for that problem. A fix will be included in the next build.
As a temporary workaround you can use Control.WheelDelta.
Hope that helps.
Best regards
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