In default.html i set a favicon like:
link rel=”icon” href=”favicon.gif”
If I change to another page (Application.MainPage = …) and change Application.Title and Application.FavIconSource in the load event on the new page showed, these changes as expected, but if I refresh browser page(F5), title and favIcon resets to initial values (defined in deafult.html)
Some way exists to preserve last values?
Thanks in advance!
Hi Sergio,
the fix is now available in 1.4.20
Best regards
Correction, it´s been fixed in the meantime and will be included in the next build.
Sorry for any confusion,
Hi Sergio,
I tried to reproduce, but failed so far. Can you please give an example of the URL that you are using ?
Could it be related to the load balancer issue you had reported ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
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