Appear Event Not Getting Fired On Server


Hi, I use a the Appear event in HTML panels to call javascript within the panel, and when I put the files on the server, the event is never fired. I then used Paint, which only gets fired when I click the page for the first time.

Assume I open the website with Process.Start, opens a browser and the website, I haven’t clicked the page–the HTML in the panels is not rendered, works perfectly fine in VS, and works great with the Appear handler.

What’s going on here, any clue?

I’m on WiseJ 3.5.4

This project given as a solution here has this issue. I’m using ChartJS as well. Exact same setup. (using it this way for full control over the chart)

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After some testing, we verified that this is not a bug in Wisej, it’s an issue with the IIS deployment.

Here’s how to fix it:
1. Make sure that the Web.config file has a server license key (license should not be blank, and make sure that it is a SERVER license, not a developer license)
<add key="Wisej.LicenseKey" value="YOURSERVERKEYHERE"/>

2. Make sure that the folder that is being deployed to IIS has the bin folder, js folder, Default.html, Default.json, Web.config – see screenshot of what the folder looks like. Note that the screenshot also contains a wisej-server.lic file; this is automatically generated.
3.Make sure that websockets are enabled for IIS. To enable them on Windows, go to Control Panel -> Windows Features. Inside the “Internet Information Services” folder, check the box by “WebSocket Protocol”. See screenshot.
4. Make sure that IIS has permission to access the folder you are deploying to (Right-click on the folder -> Properties -> Security). IUSR and IIS_IUSRS should have permissions.
5. Just in case, try clearing the browser cache to see if that helps- you want to make sure you are running the most recent version of the program.

Hope this helps!

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Attached is a sample project with the issue.

This works fine locally testing, but when I put the app on our IIS server and access it through a domain the issue occurs.

Appear isn’t getting fired at all
Paint is fired only after clicking within the page (Paint is only relevant to this because of the Appear issue, and I tried using this as an alternative which wont work because of it requires interaction)

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Hi S,

can you please put together a small repro case that shows what you are trying to achieve.
It´s not 100% clear to us, based on your description.

Thanks in advance,

  • S
    • S
    • Feb 28, 2024 - 12:48 am
    I have attached the project
  • S
    • S
    • Feb 28, 2024 - 10:01 pm
    Hi, any way we can get this expedited? We’re planning to go public on Monday.
  • Julie (ITG)
    We tested with your sample and were able to reproduce the issue. We will work on fixing it.
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